Water Damage and Your Vehicle

If Oregon is known for anything, it’s known for being rainy. Rain can cause water damage as can flooding and someone trying to reenact a James Bond movie. Trying to avoid water damage on a vehicle is doable but difficult in a part of the country where it rains frequently. Treating water damage is a possibility as well. 

First Things First

First of all, do not try to start the engine of a flooded vehicle. That will do more damage. If there was a hurricane, tidal wave or someone just drove to Cannon Beach and kept driving, you could have salt water damage which is even worse than damage from fresh water. Salty or fresh, you need to tow your vehicle to higher ground and get it dried out as quickly as possible. You might need to drain out the oil, transmission fluid, and lube first. You and a qualified mechanic can then file a claim with your insurance company. 

How Bad is the Damage?

Water droplets on the dipstick mean water in the engine. The cylinders will need to be removed and checked for corrosion. A wet vac and some cloth towels can remove most of the moisture. Check the fuel tank and line for water. 

How to Avoid Water Damage

If you live in a flood zone, you may want to move your care to a higher area. If you have a garage, floodproof it to keep water from getting in. A good short-term solution for protecting your car in heavy rains is a protective car cover. 

Einstein Insurance Serving Portland, OR

If you need auto insurance and are in the Portland, OR area, please consider Einstein Insurance. Our agents will be happy to give you the help you need.