Whether personal or otherwise, small and big problems can cause many detrimental effects in your line of business. Especially if you are in business and are unable to fulfill a contract with clients. Bond insurance guarantees that the bondholders in the default are paid the principal and associated interest payments. At Einstein Insurance, we dedicate ourselves to providing the best possible service for our customers. Einstein Insurance is located in Portland, OR, and is ready to help those across the state.
The creditworthiness of the issuer is considered when grading a debt instrument. The lower an issuer's credit rating, and consequently, the higher the yield that investors expect from investing in a debt asset, the riskier it is perceived to be. Those deemed to be stable and less risky suffer a higher borrowing cost than companies deemed to be steady and less dangerous. Companies may undergo credit enhancement to acquire a better rating and maximize shareholder value on a bond issue.
Credit enhancement is a strategy used by borrowers to improve their debt or creditworthiness to improve the terms of their loans. Bond insurance is one approach to strengthen credit. It normally results in the insured security's rating being better than the insurer's claims-paying rating and the bond's without insurance, commonly known as the underlying rating.
At Einstein Insurance Agency, we provide the service you deserve. Our agents are ready to help you with any quotes, inquires, or concerns. If you need assistance in Oregon, please do not hesitate to call Einstein Insurance Agency in Portland, OR today.